S&P Global Platts is the leading independent provider of information and benchmark prices for the commodities and energy markets. Customers in over 150 countries look to our expertise in news, pricing and analytics to deliver greater transparency and efficiency to markets.
In the latest promotion, S&P Global Platts selected the USB flash memory as advertising gifts. This USB flash memory makes your team members feel important. Simply plug the drive into the USB port of your Mac or PC and go. Hinged swing closure keeps the drive protected when not in use. Save presentation materials, catalogs or training manuals on the included 8GB of storage space. Hand out custom branded USB flash drives at tradeshows or events! Personalized flash drives with your logo also are perfect for giving away your catalogs, brochures, photos and other data.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: S&P Global Platts-USB Flash Memory | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Promotional gifts are a great way to stand for the image of your company, build strong relationships with your important clients, while at the same time the gifts can be used by the customers in the daily life.
CAMP CHALLENGE facilitates character development through the high impact and values-centric programmes, helping youths grow with the right attitude and social skills.
CAMP CHALLENGE Pte Ltd ordered the charming USB flash memory as promotional gifts. Ample file storage is provided for your project plans, budget report, sales pitch and more with the 8GB of memory. Simply plug the drive into the USB port of your Mac or PC and go. Hinged and silvertone cover protects the USB plug when it’s not in use. Yellow is the color people most often associate with amusement, gentleness, and spontaneity. The USB Flash memory is an amazing gift. Also, the USB flash memory features 2.0 data transfer speed. Impress clients, associates, prospects or students with USB flash drives packed with data!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: CAMP CHALLENGE Pte Ltd-USB Flash Memory | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
CAMP CHALLENGE Pte Ltd ordered the charming USB flash memory as promotional gifts. Ample file storage is provided for your project plans, budget report, sales pitch and more with the 8GB of memory. Simply plug the drive into the USB port of your Mac or PC and go. Hinged and silvertone cover protects the USB plug when it’s not in use. Yellow is the color people most often associate with amusement, gentleness, and spontaneity. The USB Flash memory is an amazing gift. Also, the USB flash memory features 2.0 data transfer speed. Impress clients, associates, prospects or students with USB flash drives packed with data!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: CAMP CHALLENGE Pte Ltd-USB Flash Memory | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Singapore Industrial & Services Employees' Union-Multi-Functional Flash Disk
On 18 November 1981, the Registrar for Trade Unions registered the Singapore Industrial and Services Employees’ Union (SISEU) officially as another union affiliated to the NTUC with 3,600 members.
SISEU selected the multi-functional flash disk as the 35th anniversary gift. With support for iOS, Android and Windows systems with 3 connection types this 16GB USB Flash drive is the only memory pen you will ever need. The multi-functional flash disk Features 3.0 data transfer speed and starts high-speed transmission, at the same time, compatible with USB2.0 downward. Avoid the hassle of carrying multiple card reader adapters in order to transfer photos, music, data and more between multiple media platforms. The multi-functional flash disk is ideal for portable use on the road or at home with a desktop or laptop.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: Singapore Industrial & Services Employees' Union-Multi-Functional Flash Disk | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
SISEU selected the multi-functional flash disk as the 35th anniversary gift. With support for iOS, Android and Windows systems with 3 connection types this 16GB USB Flash drive is the only memory pen you will ever need. The multi-functional flash disk Features 3.0 data transfer speed and starts high-speed transmission, at the same time, compatible with USB2.0 downward. Avoid the hassle of carrying multiple card reader adapters in order to transfer photos, music, data and more between multiple media platforms. The multi-functional flash disk is ideal for portable use on the road or at home with a desktop or laptop.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: Singapore Industrial & Services Employees' Union-Multi-Functional Flash Disk | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Alfasi Constructions Limited-USB Flash Drive
The Alfasi Group, based in Melbourne, Australia, is a leading construction and engineering group with a diverse range of services ranging from structural steel fabrication and erection, drafting services, equipment hire, project management, design and construct of facade and structure packages and turn key projects.
Alfasi Constructions ordered the USB flash drive as corporate gifts to their engineers. Plug and Play feature easily plugs directly into your computer's USB drive without the need to install anything. Flash memory makes a great way to leave your PowerPoint sales presentations with your customers! Store and transfer photos and data quickly and easily! It is perfect for multi-media presentations, sharing photos and more. Portable, lightweight flash drive is small enough to slip into a shirt pocket, or attach to a key ring. The USB features 2.0 data transfer speed. A great way for clients to carry your logo and data everywhere!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: Alfasi Constructions Limited-USB Flash Drive | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Alfasi Constructions ordered the USB flash drive as corporate gifts to their engineers. Plug and Play feature easily plugs directly into your computer's USB drive without the need to install anything. Flash memory makes a great way to leave your PowerPoint sales presentations with your customers! Store and transfer photos and data quickly and easily! It is perfect for multi-media presentations, sharing photos and more. Portable, lightweight flash drive is small enough to slip into a shirt pocket, or attach to a key ring. The USB features 2.0 data transfer speed. A great way for clients to carry your logo and data everywhere!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: Alfasi Constructions Limited-USB Flash Drive | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
FOCUS Adventure Pte Ltd-Wooden USB Flash Memory
As one of the premier adventure training providers in the region, FOCUS Adventure provides adventure-based experiential learning programmes and acts as the catalyst for personal, interpersonal and organisational growth and change.
2016 is the year FOCUS Adventure celebrates the 20th anniversary, they ordered the wooden USB flash memory as anniversary souvenir. The gift combines modern technology with a raw natural element. Simply plug the drive into the USB port of your Mac or PC and the USB flash memory is automatically detected by your computer. This tiny advertiser holds a substantial 8GB of your saved company literature, presentation materials or product information. Hinged wooden cap swing closure keeps the drive protected when not in use.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: FOCUS Adventure Pte Ltd-Wooden USB Flash Memory | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
2016 is the year FOCUS Adventure celebrates the 20th anniversary, they ordered the wooden USB flash memory as anniversary souvenir. The gift combines modern technology with a raw natural element. Simply plug the drive into the USB port of your Mac or PC and the USB flash memory is automatically detected by your computer. This tiny advertiser holds a substantial 8GB of your saved company literature, presentation materials or product information. Hinged wooden cap swing closure keeps the drive protected when not in use.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: FOCUS Adventure Pte Ltd-Wooden USB Flash Memory | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
太古集團向以誠信、專業和求新見稱,無論於何處經營業務,均秉持精益求精的原則,致力創設更高的營運標準。「先機創勢」、「承先啟後」是太古引以自豪的企業特質,這些特質引領太古營運至今近二百年。太古是一個高度多元化的環球集團,旗下核心業務多設於亞太區,其中香港和中國內地向為太古業務的主要營運地。太古的亞洲業務由集團旗下上市公司太古股份有限公司持有;而在世界其他地方,包括澳洲、巴布亞新畿內亞、東非、斯里蘭卡、美國及英國,許多業務均由母公司英國太古集團有限公司直接持有。 太古集團業務廣泛,而本次與SourceEC合作的是太古飲料。太古飲料是全球最大的可口可樂裝瓶廠之一,與可口可樂公司緊密合作,共同進行品牌發展及市場推廣工作。這次,太古飲料採購的公司禮品是一款USB手指。市面上的USB手指款式各異,而且外貌可以訂製,足以迷糊大家的視線。太古飲料所採購的USB手指迴歸本質,是最基本款式的USB手指。旋轉式的USB手指,容易讀取數據,并方便隨身攜帶。 ![]() |
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: 太古集團-USB手指 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: - 崇光(香港)百貨有限公司-卡片USB禮品 | 禮品 Blog
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: - 崇光(香港)百貨有限公司-卡片USB禮品 | 禮品 Blog
USB Flash Drive,
香港理工大學Educational Development Centre (EDC)- USB手指紀念品
香港理工大學Educational Development Centre (EDC)致力加強學習及教學素質,以及支援學校發展全人教育,培育人才。
今次EDC選了這款鑰匙型的USB手指作紀念品,於畢業禮時派給老師。這款USB手指款式新穎有個性,而且選了相當鮮艷的顏色,配印灰色標誌,時尚中帶點平實,十分適合送給老師們。 鑰匙型狀方便老師扣在私人鑰匙中,隨時隨地都可以使用。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: - 香港理工大學Educational Development Centre (EDC)- USB手指紀念品 | 禮品 Blog
今次EDC選了這款鑰匙型的USB手指作紀念品,於畢業禮時派給老師。這款USB手指款式新穎有個性,而且選了相當鮮艷的顏色,配印灰色標誌,時尚中帶點平實,十分適合送給老師們。 鑰匙型狀方便老師扣在私人鑰匙中,隨時隨地都可以使用。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: - 香港理工大學Educational Development Centre (EDC)- USB手指紀念品 | 禮品 Blog
USB Flash Drive,
Triumph 唇膏型USB手指紀念品
Triumph 是一知名的內衣服裝品牌,為客人提供貼心和優質的內衣產品。最近選了一款推廣禮品送予VIP客戶。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: -Triumph 唇膏型USB手指紀念品 | 禮品 Blog
The University of British Columbia 畢業禮品
University of British Columbia 創造一個良好的學習環境,積極於海外培養研究人才。
這次選了一款藍色行李帶和卡片USB手指紀念品送給畢業同學及校友,藍色行李帶配上白色文字,耀眼奪目; 深藍色卡片USB手指輕便實用;兩款畢業禮品均方便畢業同學於旅行時使用,印上學校logo亦增添一份紀念價值。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: -The University of British Columbia 畢業禮品 | 禮品 Blog
適逢創校五十五周年以及答謝一眾勞苦功高的教師, 香港專業進修學校特別與SourceEC合作,訂了這款Tee型USB手指,分別印上學校及55周年標誌,送予老師作紀念品。簡單的Tee型外殼,印上鮮艷色彩的logo,十分奪目,配以匙扣,老師們可以隨身攜帶,無時無刻都可以使用。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: -香港專業進修學校(港專)周年紀念品 | 禮品 Blog
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: -聖保羅書院畢業禮品 | 禮品 Blog
USB Flash Drive,
Milkirabi USB手指紀念品即將推出
Milkirabi USB手指紀念品即將推出!!
快d LIKE Milkirabi Facebook Page, 只要達到140個人 like, Milkirabi USB 手指就會同大家見面!!
Web: milkirabi.com
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: Milkirabi USB手指紀念品即將推出- | 禮品 Blog
GTI 系列紀念品
Technology Integrator Ltd.)是一家網絡及系統整體方案提供商,秉承一貫的專業精神和領先的技術實力,為客戶提供創新而全面的解決方案整合技術。
GTI透過SourceEC訂製了一系列的禮品送給客戶, 包括電筒套裝, 幻彩迷你音箱套裝和環保USB;
電筒和迷你音箱均配以絨布袋以便用家攜帶外出; GTI選擇表達心意的廣告禮品時亦考慮到環保的重要性,選擇了這款環保USB作紀念品; 款式雖簡單卻鼓勵客戶享受一種更為健康積極的生活方式。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: GTI 系列紀念品 - | 禮品 Blog
Shiseido - bareMinerals 私人派對紀念品
Shiseido 旗下的bareMinerals 於9月舉行私人的Launch Party,邀請了多位用家和名人出席參與,更透過SourceEC訂製一款USB手指禮品送給賓客作紀念品。 USB手指紀念品以桃紅色作主調,與Party的主題顏色一致,互相輝映。
這款USB Flash 顏色鮮艷,有別於傳統的金色或銀色不銹鋼材質USB,更能突顯bareMinerals用家有活力和新潮的個性;USB上印有簡單的logo,經已發揮出bareMinerals簡單魅力的個性。
bareMinerals是一美國品牌被Shiseido收購,在香港只有2間專櫃,分別金鐘太古廣場Harvey Nichols及尖沙咀海運大廈Faces;喜歡的朋友不妨去看一看!
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: Shiseido - bareMinerals 私人派對紀念品 - | 禮品 Blog
Royal Park Hotel 皮革USB手指紀念品
這款皮革USB手指配以匙扣,方便外出攜帶,而酒店名稱“ROYAL PARK HOTEL”亦以雕刻手法印在皮革上;送贈客戶時亦配以USB Flash禮盒,精美時尚,整體品味即時提升了。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: Royal Park Hotel 皮革USB手指紀念品 - | 禮品 Blog
Mini USB Flash Drive
優質USB手指店上市了這些各式各樣的、能夠讓那些忙碌的人們隨身攜帶的迷你USB flash。這些迷你USB手指可能只有普通flash drive三分之一的大小,但是效果卻和普通USB flash的效果一樣。你可以把它們裝扮成和其他USB手指外形一樣並掛在鑰匙扣上。
紙夾USB Flash是優質USB手指推出的一款獨特Flash Drive,它外表看起來像紙夾一樣,外形小巧卻足以存放你的個人文檔,只需稍微一動,它立馬就開始工作起來。
迷你間諜USB手指,它量起來只稍微比實際尺寸大一點。由於該手指的邊緣圓滑,因此基本上不會出現這樣的情況:USB Flash Drive卡在背包或者錢包裡層;從電子設備拔出會受到損壞。
如果你想要一種看來專業的flash drive,那麼這種顏色鮮豔、外表光滑的旋轉USB手指不容錯過,保准在辦公室會吸引一些羡慕的目光。小巧的尺寸和大膽的風格,這種無帽迷你USB手指上有個鑰匙圈:用來儲存你的文件資料。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: - 大一點並不永遠是最好的:爲什麽USB手指越來越小呢? | 禮品 Blog
就像錄像機取代收音機一樣,USB Flash Drive替換了軟盤、ZIP盤以及所有其他我們能想到的外部存儲器。不僅僅是因為USB Flash Drive只有拇指大小、隨身儲存數據方便的特點,更重要的是它們是一種有效的推廣工具;這些量身定制的USB Flash Drive,可以為你的業務起到作用,以下是3種方法:
1.作為貿易展會上贈送禮品。從很多方面來說,量身定制的USB Flash Drive是貿易展會上理想的贈品。忘掉那拖著一箱一箱的、數量又繁多的贈品到會場的煩惱經歷吧。USB手指重量輕巧、很適合旅行攜帶;特別是當你要出國參展需要運輸贈品時,輕巧及運輸費用低廉的特點會顯露無疑。小貼士:在USB Flash Drive中裝入一些有公司資料內容的PDF文檔吧,不需要帶手印文件了,參觀者會很感謝你,他們不用再看那些能讓人腰酸背痛的紙質目錄了。
2.作為對顧員有用的禮物。由於使用方便、功能實用,印有logo的USB Flash Drive幾乎是每個行業都會用到的辦公必需品;在不同電腦上轉移文件、給重要的數據做備份、在旅途中工作或隨時迅速地打開程序,這些對提高工作效率太有用了;如此價格相當的、又有這麼多功能的USB儲存設備,真的不用我們操多少心了!
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: - 三种巧妙利用定制USB手指的方法 | 禮品 Blog
想要讓你的顧客對你加深印象嗎?送USB Flash Drive吧!
廣告USB手指一種非常流行並且可循環利用的物品;對於那些接受USB Flash做禮物的人來說,他們會持積極的回應,因為USB Flash即實用又時髦。
在推廣宣傳商品時,爲了儘快獲得效果,你必須考慮到你的目標客戶所想的,思考什麽對於他們來說是重要的;在顧客看來,帶有科技含量的東西作為禮物的價值是非常高的;把人形USB Flash作為禮物送給顧客,他們會留意你的公司和品牌的,並且會高度評價你;也就是說,如果你想讓顧客覺得你們是個質量過硬的公司,那麼選擇人形USB Flash作為宣傳商品是對的。
在市場推廣中,只要你把公司標誌和名字印在USB Flash上,並且把你公司的相關信息放在其中,它會是一種非常有效的工具;同樣,也可以把公司的產品目錄和宣傳冊也放在USB Flash裏面,因為當顧客使用時,宣傳冊會自動打開讓顧客欣賞。
可以容許顧客在USB Flash中儲存他們自己的私人信息,這樣他們就因為信息儲存的原因會保留USB Flash,與此同時,你的品牌隨時可以讓他們看到;當今社會,每個人都喜歡科技,大多數人都會用電腦;有一個能夠遠距離存儲電腦數據文件的產品,這是大家都需要的。那麼廣告USB Flash人剛好能滿足我們這樣的要求,因為USB Flash人既小巧又靈巧,無論是存儲還是在不同電腦之間傳送數據都一間很容易、簡單的事。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: - 想要讓你的顧客對你加深印象嗎?送USB手指吧!| 禮品 Blog
USB Flash,
USB Flash Drive,
和原始USB手指一樣,上市的球狀人形USB手指是由一系列50種不同的標準設計類型組成的:包括“醫生”、“外科醫生”、“護士”、“飛行員”、“商人”、“工人”和“聖誕老人”。如果上面的人物不適合你的話,你可以從250種不同類型中選擇適合自己特點的USB手指來設計;通過這樣,可以使你的職員保持一定的協同性、讓你的外部交流有一個新的設計靈感。容量大小可選,1G B到8G B之間。
電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223
原文見: - 球狀USB手指人 | 禮品 Blog
USB Flash,
USB Flash Drive,
文章 (Atom)