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顯示包含「promotional gift」標籤的文章。顯示所有文章


Configura Pacific Sdn Bhd-Hand Towel

Configura Pacific Sdn Bhd is a globally operating company with headquarters in Linköping, Sweden, commercial operations in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Configura creates Parametric Graphical Configuration (PGC) software solutions for leading international companies.

Configura ordered the hand towel to be their special gifts idea. This beautiful hand towel custom embroidered with logo on it. The crisp white towel makes your message stand out! Your customers will snuggle up to your logo with the soft-sheared, 100% cotton cloth towel. Choose your color hand towel and choose your color embroidery. This useful giveaway will have them remembering your company. Also, it is great for cheering on your team, keeping cool and dry or cleaning equipment.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Configura Pacific Sdn Bhd-Hand Towel | Souvenir 禮品 Blog



荃新天地位於新荃灣的中心,是該地段的地標性大型時尚購物中心。最近,荃新天地舉行宜傳活動,向Source EC訂製了蝴蝶形狀便條紙,於活動中派發。

便條紙外形呈蝴蝶形,獨特而美觀。主辦單位在刀模基礎上稍作了修改,然後印上本地藝術家蘇五雲(Grand So x Citywalk)的油畫,色彩艷麗,設計富有大自然氣息,深受顧客歡迎。

電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223

原文見: - 荃新天地-蝴蝶形狀便條紙禮品 | 禮品 Blog


Imagine Lab - 太陽擋贈品

Imagine Lab是一家設計公司,業務包括設計創意營銷方案,活動策劃及平面廣告設計。

Imagine Lab在2012年7月策劃了一個MINI新車發佈會,為加強宣傳效果,Imagine Lab透過SourceEC訂了一款太陽擋贈品送贈客戶們,以答謝他們的支持。

太陽擋以黑色為底色,並印上白色的眼鏡圖案,放在MINI汽車帶上仿如為汽車帶上眼鏡。Imagine Lab稱讚贈品不但配合主題能夠吸引客戶注意,同時具宣傳效果。

電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223

原文見: - Imagine Lab - 太陽擋贈品 | 禮品 Blog


香港鐵路有限公司 X 五洋建設株式會社 - 腰包禮品



電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223

原文見: - 香港鐵路有限公司 X 五洋建設株式會社 - 腰包禮品 | 禮品 Blog


百事可樂 - 環保筷子套裝禮品



電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223

原文見: - 百事可樂 - 環保筷子套裝禮品 | 禮品 Blog


Hong Kong Pharmacy Conference 2011 紀念品套裝


是次香港藥學會選了一些實用性的禮品,包括毛巾,雨傘, 旅行袋和開信刀;所有紀念品均印上年會logo以及企業或贊助商名稱,送給在場人士。就如Waston’s也是參與者之一,選擇雨傘作紀念禮品,亦突顯Waston’s關心貼心的使命。

藥丸型毛巾亦配合香港藥劑學術年會的主題,藥丸型外殼中包含了小毛巾,精美實用;開信刀亦是企業必備的工具,印上企業logo更讓人易於認識,成了精選的辦公室禮品;另外以旅行袋作紀念品更不用多說,適合任何人士使用,而用家攜帶印有logo的旅行袋環遊世界,能讓更多的人認識品牌,提升國際知名度, 發揮了良好的廣告宣傳效應

電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223

原文見: Hong Kong Pharmacy Conference 2011 紀念品套裝 - | 禮品 Blog


Milkirabi Cube Mug 為樂施會籌款

為慶祝聖誕的來臨以及支持樂施會, SourceEC推出限量版米拉比Milkirabi Cube Mug為樂施會籌款,現凡購買Cube Mug 米拉比特別版 1, 我們會向樂施會捐贈HK$10,以支持樂施會扶貧工作.

只需要2steps就可以預先搶購限量版米拉比Milkirabi Cube Mug:
1. 按此 "Like" Milkirabi Page
2. 按此網上訂購Cube Mug

獨家限量版設計 Cube Mug立方杯,為至親至愛的人送上一份特別的聖誕禮物;
有別於傳統圓形杯;陶瓷方形杯配已Cube Box形外殼,加上可疊置的設計,可節省存放空間;


電話:+852 2713 3484
傳真:+852 3570 7223

原文見: Milkirabi Cube Mug 為樂施會籌款 - | 禮品 Blog


Play with Cube Mug

Are you boring now? I have a toy to introduce to you. This toy is a lego with many colors. Also, it is a cup too. The product's name is called cube mug. You can connect them with the cube mug's drawer. There are four circle botton to let you connect the cube mug. You can just follow your ideas to connect it. It is easy to play. Let's try it!

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

High Quality Cube Mug

It is a superb way to promote your message with cube mug. Cube mug is a stylish and high quality mug.
Cube mug looks like a logo, you can play with itCube mug is colorful, eg, red, yellow, green, whiteThe mouth of cube mug is square, it is very sprcialCube mug is saves place.Cube mug is made of ceramic.Cube mug is safe to put into the microwave and dishwasher

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Promote Your Business with Cube Mug

Why use cube mug to promote your business or organisation?The answer is easy. It is because cube mug is attractive and colorful. It is small but you have many places to leave your message. So, don't think anymore, just buy it and have a try. I am sure your business will successful. Thank you for your attention.

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :


Popular Cube Mug

Cube mug is the most popular promotional mug. It's looks very funny. I'm sure that your clients will like the cube mug's design. Also, the cube mug is frequently used in the office. It is very useful. You can put your message in your customers hands with these quality and popular cube mug. It is the best choice for you.

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Creative Cube Mug

Nowadays, people love creative product. They like to collect some special things in their house. And I have a suggestion, you can collect the creative cube mug. It has high value to collect. There are seven colours, white, black, green, red, orange, yellow and blue. Many people would like to collect one set of cube mug.

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Safety Cube Mug

If you want to have a cup of hot milk and worrying to use which mug, you can use cube mug. Cube mug is safe that you can put it into the microwave. Also, you can put it into the dishwasher. Cube mug is with high quality. And it is a ceramic. The capacity of cube mug is 250 ml. The size is perfect for everyone. Let's have a cube mug from today.

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Anti-Dirty Substance Cube Mug

If you put down a normal mug, you may find that your drinks may have some dirty substance. The useful cube mug can protect your drinks from dirty substance. Because you can put it into the cube mug drawer. Cube mug is no. 1 choice for you. More and more people will have the cube mug at your home or office.. It is a great design and hope you would like it.

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Attractive Cube Mug

Cube mug is a top seller in our product. Its vibrant colours attract many people. And your promotional message is easy to let people to know it. Cube mug have many places to let you print your message. So, please do not worry about it. You can just print one side only, Some people would like to print two sides or three sides. Even though the botton of the cube mug. It is flexible. Just create by yourself. Let's make your own special cube mug!

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Best Selling Cube Mug

Cube mug is one of our best selling promotional mugs. You can print your message or branding on the cube mug. It is a good way to promote for you. If you use the cube mug, you and people who beside you can see your mug's pattern or words clearfully. If you have somethings that would like to let people know it, you can try to print it on the cube mug. It will help you get your sccess!

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Modern Cube Mug

Cube mug is a clean and modern product. The colorful cube mug is the perfect gift to give your friends, family or your customers. Many people would like to buy cube mug because of the modern design. Do you think cube mug is modern? Even though you are a little kids or an old person, you can use the wonderful cube mug. If you want to give a big surprise to others, I suggest you to buy some cube mug to them.

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :


Square Cube Mug

What is cube mug? Cube mug is a cup and you can play with it. Usually, the cup's mouth that is circle, but our cube mug is square. The shape is very special than others. You can put it in the lego drawer and play with it. Let's buy one and have a try!

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Enjoy Your Coffee with Cube Mug

Do you want to enjoy your drinks with a beautiful cup?This cube mug must be suitable for you! Cube mug is a cup which looks like a lego. You can stack their box on top of each other to make a original pantry. Cube mug is very interesting that you can play with it.I'm sure you must like cube mug. You can also choose your favourite colour. And cube mug can saves the place, it is a storage friendly solution for the kitchen and office environment. Let's buy cube mug!

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :

Useful Cube Mug

Oh, cube mug is very beautiful. If you are choosing a present to your family, you can buy a cube mug for each of your family members. For example, red for yourself, yellow for your mother, blue for your brother and green for your father. Each family member can have different colour's cube mug. Is it a great idea? Don't think anymore. Let's buy the cube mug as soon as possible.

Contact information

Tel : +852 27133484

Website :