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Singapore Workforce Development Agency-Cube Mug

The Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) aims to help workers advance in their careers and lives by developing and strengthening skills-based training for adults. They work with various partners--including employers, industry associations, the Union and training organizations - to develop relevant skills-based training that is accessible to all in the Workforce, whether young or old, from rank-and-file to professionals and executives.

WDA found Source EC to customize the cube mug of two different sizes. Cube mug can be stacked up like the lego, it is popular for its innovation and lovely design, coupled with its colorful and bright colors, which makes it become the best choice of many companies. WDA closes the trend, not only choosing cube mug of different colors, but also choosing cube mug of different sizes to meet the needs of customers and employees. An Innovation and practical gift helps to represent enterprise’s innovative and pragmatic spirit.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Singapore Workforce Development Agency-Cube Mug | Souvenir 禮品 Blog




籍著NEXIO推出了新產品,Brother訂製了木製牌匾。木製牌匾採用實木框架,配以金箔紙片,無論從那個角度觀看,都閃閃發亮,顯得高端大氣。選擇木製牌匾用給Brother的客戶,體現出客戶尊貴身份,同時,NEXIO會繼續秉承顧客第一、“At your side”的精神,為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。什麽樣的禮品才能配合您的尊貴客戶,不用煩,Source EC為您提供各種精美的水晶紀念品和牌匾禮品。

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Brother-木製牌匾 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog



香港扶幼會現有四間院舍及三所群育學校,專門為兒童及青少年提供特殊教育及院舍服務,對象以有情緒及行為問題的兒童及青少年為主。本會屬下服務單位有:盛德中心、則仁中心、元洲宿舍、長康宿舍、盛德中心學校、則仁中心學校 及 許仲繩紀念學校。除直接服務外,本會亦致力於拓展其他相關服務,以回應不斷變化的社會需要及提供適當支援予教育團體及不同機構,服務及計劃包括:專業培訓計劃、讀寫發展服務、主流學校支援服務及小學輔導服務。

最近,香港扶幼會向Source EC禮品公司訂購了壹款錦旗贈送給北京市海澱工讀學校,作為該校的六十週年校慶的紀念品。紅色絲綢布的錦旗禮品正中印有“海澱六十,展翅藍天”,突出了對學校的祝福和對廣大學生的關心。採用這款訂造錦旗作為學校的週年紀念品,懸掛在禮堂,大方得體,還體現了對學校及師生的祝福:展翅藍天、大展鴻圖。歡迎廣大客戶提供樣板或圖樣,我們竭誠為你服務。

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -香港扶幼會-錦旗 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Staff Work Institute Pte. Ltd.-CEO Pen

Staff Work Institute aims to make everyone a good staff officer. They focus on providing the staff of organisations with skills to manage the expectations of, and relationships with, their bosses. Their programmers are designed to improve the staff’s performance and motivation.

Staff Work Institute selected a black CEO pen at Source EC to give customers and staff, this CEO pen is plastic barrel with chrome-plated trim, the black penholder strengthen the metal of this pen, white logo is printed on penholder clearly, which makes it look graceful and professional, just like the corporate brand image.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Staff Work Institute Pte. Ltd.-CEO Pen | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


澳門歷史博物館 - 廣告傘



電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:澳門歷史博物館 - 廣告傘| Souvenir 禮品 Blog



無國界醫生(法語:Médecins sans frontières,(幫助的意思),英語:Doctors Without Borders,簡稱:MSF),是一個世俗的、從事人道救援的非政府組織,以在飽受戰爭摧殘的地區和發展中國家致力協助抵抗地方疾病的計劃聞名。無國界醫生是全球最大的獨立醫療救援組織,目前總部設於瑞士的日內瓦,有五個主要的行動中心位於歐洲,分別是巴黎、布魯塞爾、阿姆斯特丹、巴塞隆拿和日內瓦。此組織的目標是「不分種族、國家與宗教背景、義務的協助戰火和自然災害中受傷的人類得到醫治」。

無國界醫生野外定向活動每年都會舉行。2015年的活動是由無國界醫生與Collyer Logistics攜手於3月15日舉辦,并向採購易訂製了廣告毛巾。毛巾禮品選用了白色作為基本顏色,在毛巾贈品的兩端分別印刷了兩個主辦單位的LOGO。這款毛巾贈品是純棉,柔軟舒適,吸汗效果好。如果比賽過程溫度過高,還能把毛巾浸濕後搽拭四肢,能有效降低身體溫度,到達解暑的效果。Source EC還有各種廣告毛巾,歡迎來電資訊。

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -無國界醫生-廣告毛巾 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Bible Society of Singapore-Gel Highlighter

The mission of The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) is to make the Bible available to people in a language they can understand, at a price they can afford and in the format they can use, and to help them interact with the Word of God. Their work includes translation, publishing, distribution, engagement.

Highlighter is an important tool for taking notes when reading. It makes the key point to be clear at a glance, which helps people remember key point deeply. In addition, the fashion colors make people feel good. Bible Society of Singapore ordered a gel highlighter in Source EC. Printing corporate slogan on the penholder can easily makes people remember the message that Bible Society of Singapore wants to submit.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Bible Society of Singapore-Gel Highlighter| Souvenir 禮品 Blog


E D & F Man Asia Pte Ltd-Ultralight Mug

ED&F Man is a specialist merchant of agricultural commodities, trading specifically in sugar, molasses and coffee. In addition, they act as broker to clients who need to access commodity and capital markets to hedge their risk. They have 3,400 people in around 60 countries, where they source, sell and ship agricultural commodities around the globe.

E D & F Man Asia Pte Ltd found Source EC to customized a kind of ultralight mug to give staff and customers. The thermal performance of this ultralight mug is 50% stronger than others. Also, its weight is only 190g, it means that this ultralight mug is 30% lighter than others which are of the same size. Therefore, it is comfortable and easy to bring out. Staff and customers will surely be able to feel company’s warm heart when using this thermal mug. As a necessity in daily life, thermal mug is a wisdom choice to be promotional gift, souvenir and corporate gift.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -E D & F Man Asia Pte Ltd-Ultralight Mug | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


中華基督教會灣仔堂基道小學 - 發光USB手指


最近中華基督教會灣仔堂基道小學向Source EC訂購了發光USB手指,用於送給嘉賓。產品獨特的發光設計,人性化製作更招嘉賓喜愛。在USB手指上,用發光效果顯示學校名字,​​在嘉賓使用時會看到學校名,能留下深刻印象。發光象徵著開拓、進取、開啟創新的大門,將中華基督教會灣仔堂基道小學發揚光大。該禮品款式新穎,更有勉勵嘉賓走向成功,積極進取的寓意,適用於學生以及工作者,是不錯的選擇。

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: 中華基督教會灣仔堂基道小學 - 發光USB手指| Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Skymech Automation & Engineering Pte Ltd-PU Notebook

Skymech Automation & Engineering Pte Ltd was established in September 28, 1988 with a focus on design and build of customized automation machines for the electronic industries. It soon grew into a leading automation company in Singapore, specializing in custom-designed machines; flexible automation systems (FAS); vision inspection and robotics integration solutions.

Skymech Automation & Engineering Pte Ltd ordered a type of PU notebook at Source EC. This PU notebook is simple but decorous. The red PU is attractive and logo printed on bottom right seems more clearly. You may notice the company logo every time when you open the notebook, which helps to impress on customers. This PU notebook includes 80 sheets lined paper, can be used long time so that helps to last promotion effectiveness for a long time.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Skymech Automation & Engineering Pte Ltd-PU Notebook | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Imagine Lab-Sun Block Premium

Imagine lab is an established design agency which excels in creative field marketing design, event production and graphic design.

The sun block premium that Imagine Lab has chosen is black in colour and is decorated with a figure of a pair of white colored glasses. When put on a Mini automobile, customers felt like the Mini automobile was wearing a pair of glasses. The souvenirs successfully cope with the event theme and attracted customers’ attention, the goal of promoting new product was achieved.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Imagine Lab-Sun Block Premium | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


香港公開大學 - 便攜式運動水壺


這一次香港公開大學與Source EC的合作是不謀而合的,他們相同的社會責任感,令他們都關注公益,為此他們合作推出了一款便攜式運動水壺作為紀念品,於6月21日的開放日派送。水壺是袋裝的軟所料外形,即輕便又能節約空間,正面印刷logo。 Logo標誌中的字樣,有著歡快的形態,代表著香港公開大學是一個能豐富生命意義的地方。通過這次開放日,讓社會更了解香港公開大學,並得到社會的支持。

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:香港公開大學 - 便攜式運動水壺| Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Castrol-Gift Set

There are some special pictures on the cover of Catrol’s insulated mugs. Both inside and outside of the mugs are made of stainless steel. In addition, these mugs are made by advanced vacuum technology, which makes them are exquisite, elegant and seamless liner and also are good sealing performance, good insulation properties. It is possible to carry ice or hot drinks. Furthermore, what make the new type insulated mugs more significant and practical are the innovative features and details of the design.
In the new type insulated mugs, multiple use of multi-cup is popular .Almost every insulated mug has its own feature. Ii is very convenient to use in trip or family. Besides, there are two vacuum cups can be split up so that they become a group. There is also a black bag, you can put cups into the bag, so you can easily find them when you want to use.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Castrol-Gift Set| Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Fio TeleService Advertising Planning Co. Ltd.-Scarf

Fio TeleServices Advertising Planning Co., Ltd. is a diversified comprehensive advertising companies, members, and staff of the Company have with Ads knowledge and experience in the advertising production. Put into operation in June 2006, the Company during the provision of advertising services for a number of different institutions, and also get all the recognition.

The company "the Almighty thinking, professional services for corporate purposes, subject to the needs of each customer think in different ways, and to provide professional and efficient service. By listening carefully, detailed analysis of support behind our professional design and production team, the imagination of the customers show up, even beyond the imagination to create the most personal of products and services.
A scarf, also known as a muffler, or neck-wrap is a piece of fabric worn around the neck, or near the head or around the waist for warmth, cleanliness, fashion or for religious reasons. They can come in a variety of different colours.And the scarf which Fio company ordered are in different colors,they were made carefully. People will feel warm in this kind of scarf.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Fio TeleService Advertising Planning Co. Ltd.-Scarf | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


鳳凰衛視 - 積木立方杯


鳳凰衛視這逢周年慶典,訂購積木立方杯作為週年禮品。不同顏色的外殼,拼湊成壹個生日蛋糕,繽紛的色彩猶如五彩蠟燭,壹句間單的“happy birthday",告訴客護鳳凰衛視在新的壹年成長了,藉此獲取更多關註和信任。鳳凰衛視在贈送積木立方杯給客護作企業禮品時,不但會將陶瓷杯包裝安全,而且會套裝贈送,毫不吝嗇。收到禮品的客護相信會非常高興。

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:鳳凰衛視 - 積木立方杯| Souvenir 禮品 Blog


SCDF Paya Lebar Fire Station-Water Bottles

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) is a uniformed organisation under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs The main role of SCDF is to provide fire-fighting, rescue and emergency ambulance services;. Mitigating hazardous materials incidents, as well as formulate, implement and enforce regulations on fire safety and civil defence shelter matters. Over the years, the SCDF has improved its life saving operations through innovations and programmes to enhance her fire-fighting, rescue capabilities and public education plans. The SCDF also actively engages the local community through its wide-ranging public educational programmes and community-based activities to enhance the resilience and emergency preparedness of the civilian population.

According to the SCDF requirement, Source EC provided a kind of water bottle for the SCDF as a gift to give everyone for free at the activity. This bottle was designed by SCDF. There is a clear logo on the surface, which is efficient to show the concept of the SCDF. Most importantly, it is very useful in daily life and would be a good promotional gift.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:SCDF Paya Lebar Fire Station-Water Bottles | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


MPM math-Bilayer Portable Cup

MPM math aims to improve confidence and inculcate independent problem-solving It trains children in Math concepts and calculation skills while promoting TRUE problem solving skills – children will be able to solve sophisticated Math problems using basic skills they have learnt. 

MPM math ordered an bilayer portable cup at Source EC and gave it to children as present. This fresh and light green cup looks vibrant, just like the kids, along with the lovely doll and logo, which definitely match the children’s taste. Furthermore, lids portable design, easy to carry out, double-insulated design to prevent burns. As a tailor-made gift for children, fully showing MPM math’s consideration and caring.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -MPM math-Bilayer Portable Cup | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


國家發展委員會檔案管理局 - 防塵塞



電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:國家發展委員會檔案管理局 - 防塵塞 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


H Concept Asia Pte Ltd-CEO Notebook

H Concept reflects the epitome of versatility. Started as a local hotel furniture supplier, H Concept takes a passionate approach to business, it actively engage end users in understanding market requirements and work simultaneously with the production to reinvent solutions and to streamline processes. Customers continue to enjoy good design at great value through the cost savings that it built on. Today, H Concept offer a diverse portfolio of furniture, equipment and linen catering to concierge, banquet, conference, in-room dining, housekeeping and unique demands.

To thanks to all its overseas dealers, clients and prospects for the ongoing support, H Concept especially customized a CEO notebook at Source EC. This notebook is double pressing lined on PVC cover 2, it looks more dignified with the white on black logo. Moreover, Inserted name card or documents are on the left 3, including 30 sheets lined note paper and the loop to hold the pen in the middle. This design is simple but practical, it abandons all redundant ornament, just like its design concept. Also, that is also the reason why people choose H Concept: good design at great value through the cost savings that it built on.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -H Concept Asia Pte Ltd-CEO Notebook | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Australian International School-Luminous umbrella

The Australian International School is the only International school in Singapore for students aged 3 - 18 which operates a Southern hemisphere school year, providing a seamless transition for students as they enter and leave Singapore. AIS is committed to excellence in education and offers a combination of robust Australian and International curriculum pathways to ensure students reach their potential and have the tools to pursue the limitless options which await them after graduation. 

To celebrate the 20th anniversary, AIS specially customized a blue luminous umbrella at Source EC and gave it to students as souvenir. The simple white logo looks outstanding. Be made of 190T carbon fibers cloth, aluminum rib and rubber handle, which makes this umbrella very firm and durable. Additionally, there is a white LED light in the bottom. Combined with two item – umbrella and flashlight, which are both necessary in our daily life. Not only show the versatility of this souvenir, but also strengthen the impression of AIS by using it frequently.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Australian International School-Luminous umbrella | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


惠普 - 繽紛創意萬年曆



電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:惠普 -  繽紛創意萬年曆 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Alzheimer-Portable Cutlery Set

Alzheimer's Disease Association (ADA) was formed in 1990 as a result of growing concern for the needs of people with dementia and their families. ADA is a voluntary welfare organization and is made up of caregivers, professionals and all who are interested in dementia; its vision is towards a dementia inclusive society.

ADA selects this easy carried portable cutlery set, which contains chopsticks, spoon and fork, colorful and eye-catching. Its dark green logo looks brighter when printed on the orange box. Environmental protection and health are the eternal theme in the world, ADA implements this theme on the daily meals, and it pays attention to employee’s and elderly health. People could deepen the impression of the ADA by using this portable cutlery set in every deal. At the same time, it also helps to promote corporate image because of its environmental health material properties.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Alzheimer-Portable Cutlery Set | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Serangoon CSC-Waterproof Bag with Lanyard

The People’s Association (PA) was established in Singapore as a statutory board on 1 July 1960 to promote racial harmony and social cohesion. They achieve mission through their network of 1,800 grassroots organisations, five Community Development Councils, the National Youth Council, National Community Leadership Institute, Outward Bound Singapore and the Social Development Service. Annual Brisk Walk is organized by Community Sports Clubs (CSCs) which is one of sport programmers of the People’s Association.

Community Sports Clubs (CSCs) found Souce EC to order a waterproof bag with lanyard for annual brisk walk. Frosted PVC bag with white lanyard, which makes the logo look more clearly. Furthermore, it’s waterproof and easy to carry.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Serangoon CSC-Waterproof Bag with Lanyard | Souvenir 禮品 Blog





電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:臺北動物園-積木馬克杯 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


SOGO-Key ring and USB Flash Drive

To celebrate the 18th anniversary, SOGO customized an elephant key ring USB flash drive in Source EC. Giving customers as a gift in the anniversary celebration. Those who like this USB flash drive must pay close attention to the latest news of SOGO. SOGO logo is printed on the back of elephant, it's beautifully cute and fondle admiringly.
Type of USB flash drives are extraordinary special and fashionable, different from traditional stainless steel USB flash drive, enterprises can choose the appropriate and representative style, and then make it into souvenirs or gifts to give the loyal customers. Also, this USB flash drive can be thought as a mark in such important celebration.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -SOGO-Key ring and USB Flash Drive | Souvenir 禮品 Blog



Like other portable magnifiers, the round magnifying glass is behind the handle. However, Sony's magnifier is special.There are many different kinds of Sony's magnifying glass.Some are square magnifying glass; some are square cap type magnifier.It can be rotated 360°, which means that when you want to use it, you can rotate it to see a different interface; and if you do not want to use it, you can turn it back to put away.
The cover is black, with some Japanese words, it feels unique and novel.The magnifying glass is easy to carry and observe.Meanwhile, it is very easy for people to remember it.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Sony-Magnifier | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


溫斯頓國際律師事務所 - 隨身碟



電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:溫斯頓國際律師事務所 - 隨身碟 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Shell-PLA Environmental Protection Pen

As a responsible corporate citizen, Shell has a strict standard on health, safety and environmental protection. Shell implements this idea for gift selection. Source EC has developed many environmentally friendly gifts recently. PLA Environmental Protection Pen is one of the most popular products in customers among them. And, it won the favor of Shell. This pen is made from the PLA environmentally friendly materials, the kraft paper can be decomposed easily, and its simple style is fit for various occasions. To meet Shell's environmental objectives and the simplicity of this pen, Shell just printed his logo on the top of pen simply. However, it seems quite unique and outstanding.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Shell-PLA Environmental Protection Pen | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Bank Of Taiwan-USB Flash Drive

Bank of Taiwan was established in 1946, May 20, which is the first bank established by Taiwan government after the retrocession of Taiwan. Bank of Taiwan is a state-owned bank, with a long history, high credit and sound operation. It remains a proxy dealing treasury business for governments at all levels besides Taipei and Kaohsiung. At the same time, it is still entrusted with the operation NT release accompanying business, co military and government retirees or veterans preferential savings deposits and many other policy-related business. Bank of Taiwan is very important in Taiwan's financial system.
Bank of Taiwan specially select aUSB whose color similar to its logo in Source EC, printing its company logo on the packaging box obviously, making the brand more easily understood and well-known in customers. Moreover, taking flash drive as a gift seems more generous and meet the trend of scientific work.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Bank Of Taiwan-USB Flash Drive | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


DBS Bank Ltd - PU Pocket Case with Memo Pad

DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia, with over 250 branches across 17 markets. Its aim is to become “The Asian Bank of Choice for a new Asia”. They are an Asia-centric commercial bank focused on harnessing the region’s long-term potential as the centre of economic gravity shifts eastwards to Asia. DBS is uniquely placed to deliver banking the Asian way. As a bank specialist in Asia, they leverage their deep understanding of the region, local culture and insights to serve and build lasting relationships with their clients.

Recently, DBS personalized a kind of PU pocket case with memo pad as a promotional gift from Source EC. And the memo pad was distributed to their VIP clients. This PU memo pad is high quality, practical, elegant, and easy to use. Also, it is suitable for giving senior customer groups and can outstand the value of their clients. Corporate gift is a good promotional tool to consolidate the position of DBS.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:DBS Bank Ltd - PU Pocket Case with Memo Pad | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Bank of East Asia-Metal Pen

BEA customized a unique metal base and a special silver decoration. The metal pen is curved and with ergonomic shape, charming and full of personality. Wide body design is easy on hand and lets you write smoothly. With black and silver metallic highlights and gloss varnish combinations, match the generous gift box, all of which have the pen with more noble. This is a perfectgift Of course, outstanding logo impresses others deeply.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Bank of East Asia-Metal Pen | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


J.P.Morgan Chase Bank-Aluminium Bottle Gift

J.P. Morgan is a leader in financial services, offering comprehensive global product platforms available. It is also well-known in asset management, investment banking, private banking, treasury and securities services, and commercial banking.

Cooperated with SourceEC, J.P.Morgan has ordered an aluminum water bottle and presented to its Singapore Branch Colleagues. Simple Silver body color matches with a black logo looks to be a trendy gift.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -J.P.Morgan Chase Bank-Aluminium Bottle Gift | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


KH Roberts - Eco Bamboo Ball Pen

KH Roberts was established in Singapore in the 1930s and was a pioneer in the food industry. KH Roberts is a high-quality food flavorings and food ingredients especially creators and producers. KH Roberts relies on high quality products, timely and reliable service and constant innovation in the flavor of the achievements of the KH Roberts enjoyed a reputation in the market. In the coming time, KH Roberts will continue to build and rely on a wealth of practical experience and expertise, trying to make innovation and quality to become a sign of the trust to customers.

Recently, KH Roberts ordered a kind of Eco bamboo ball pen and distributed to the customer for free in the exhibition. This Eco ball pen is made of bamboo which can be recycled. Source EC carefully printed company logo on the pen holder. KH Roberts is an environmental protection company, so this Eco ball pen is very suitable for their clients when they mark something they want. Moreover, the KH Roberts hopes to expand their market further so that it can get more supports from the society and raise their market share. Most importantly, KH Roberts would continue providing high quality products to clients.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -KH Roberts - Eco Bamboo Ball Pen | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Pizza Hut & KFC-Chinese Knot USB Flash Drive

Pizza Hut and KFC jointly organized an activity called 'Champions Club 2012', BIRDLAND (HONG KONG) LIMITED specifically customized a red Chinese knot USB flash drive as the active souvenirs. Tied red USB flash drive with a Chinese knot and matched with the noble silver iron box can not only outstand the traditional Chinese culture,  but also terrifically show the brand image of Pizza Hut and KFC. Needless to say how the USB flash drives practical is, compared to traditional metal or thin-shaped USB flash drive, this red Chinese knot USB flash drive is more special and has higher commemorative value.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Pizza Hut & KFC-Chinese Knot USB Flash Drive | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Henderson Global Investors-Mini-Water Spray Fan Corporate Gift

Henderson Global Investors (Henderson) is a leading independent global asset management firm,providing institutional,
retail and high net-worth clients access to skilled investment professionals.

In summer time,Henderson has chosen a Mini-Water Spray Fan as a coporate gift for clients. Thanks for the support of long-term clients and build up good corporate image, a fan gift is a best gift choice in hot summer.

Henderson has chosen blue and green color fan in order to match with the corporate color to outstands its image.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Henderson Global Investors-Mini-Water Spray Fan Corporate Gift | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


POPULAR Book Co Pte Ltd (Membership Department) - Shoes Bag

Popular Holdings Limited is a retail & distribution, publishing and e-learning business in the education industry. Their global operations span across Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, China, Taiwan and Canada. POPULAR has maintained their competitive edge by continually striving towards better business practices and strengthening their commitment to serving their customers in the best possible way. Their mission is to be a leader and dynamic company, to provide value-for-money products and quality services to their customers, a pleasant working environment for people, and to be a good corporate citizen.

Recently, POPULAR ordered a kind of shoes Bag from Source EC. As a souvenir, this shoes bag was given to customers and employee on the 80th anniversary. The shoe bag is tough, durable, breathable and washable. The simple white company logo printed on blue surface is more eye-catching. Shoes bag is of great use in daily life and it can strengthen the impression of corporate when customers use it.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:POPULAR Book Co Pte Ltd (Membership Department) - Shoes Bag | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


AIA Group Limited-Metal Pen

AIA Group Limited and its subsidiaries is largest independent publicly listed pan-Asian life insurance group in the world. It has wholly-owned main operating subsidiaries or branches in 14 markets in the Asia Pacific region, including Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, China, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, New Zealand, Macau and Brunei, and India, 26% interest in the joint venture. AIA today's business success can be traced back to more than 90 years ago in Shanghai. According to the life insurance premiums, AIA leads the industry in the Asia Pacific region (excluding Japan), to be a leader in most market. In order to meet individual customers in savings and protection needs, AIA offers sets of products and services, including retirement planning, life insurance, accident and health insurance. What's more, AIA also provides employee benefits, credit insurance and pension services for enterprise customers. 
AIA customized products in Source EC are mainly about stationery gift, using the logo main color - red, it makes people remember the brand easily. Only a pen seems a bit monotonous, so AIA printed with the logo in a black box for packaging, looks decent and outstanding. Mix of red and silver metal, showing its personality. It is popular in customers.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -AIA Group Limited-Metal Pen | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Manpower Inc.-Ceramic mug

Manpower Inc. is the global leader service provider in human resource employment and management, creating and offering services that enable clients to win in the changing world of work.
Source EC produced this ceramic mug for Manpower Inc. as promotional gifts. What makes this ceramic mug so excellent is not only its insulation function but also its outstanding appearance, made of ceramic material, black mug with white logo, the perfect combination of black and white showing steady feeling, powerfully declaring to the public that' we are professional.'
Products coupled with the same design packing boxes, it will become a beautiful gift and absolutely help Manpower Inc. leave a deep and good impression.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Manpower Inc.-Ceramic mug | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


McGraw-Hill Asian Holdings (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., for Platts. - Colored finger highlighter

McGraw-Hill Education is a leading publisher and professional media. The head office is located in Singapore with branch offices in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. McGraw-Hill Education partners around the world with students, educators, administrators and other professionals to deliver engaging, adaptive and personalized solutions that improve performance and results. McGraw-Hill combine proven, research-based content with the best emerging digital technologies to guide assessment, teaching and learning to achieve the best possible outcome for students, instructors and institutions.

Platts is one of McGraw-Hill’s branch offices in Singapore. It customized a kind of colored finger highlighter in Source EC. This highlighter is palm designed and with five colors, which is both novel and practical. Big white area in the middle, it is suitable for printing brand logo. Platts imprinted its black logo on the white palm. Such simple and clear white background design shows good sense of corporate and helps to increase the popularity of McGraw-Hill. This highlighter is not only creative, but also easy to carry everywhere. There is no doubt that it can achieve good effect of advertising. Colored finger highlighter is modern designed, with different color of each finger, low price and practical, suitable for a large number of consumers.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: - | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


PepsiCo-Environmental Chopsticks Gift Set

PepsiCo is the leader of food and beverage industry in the world, it continuously contribute to environment, society, economy and so on.
To make further contributions to environmental protection, PepsiCo customized this stainless steel environmental Chopsticks Set as promotional gifts in Source EC. This environmental chopsticks set contains one pair of chopsticks that can be folded, stainless steel materials can be recycled, its convenient and environmental protection. Environmental Chopsticks Set is not only a good gift for consumers, but also a new concept to promote environmental protection. Moreover, it is the best way to increase the company brand image.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見:PepsiCo-Environmental Chopsticks Gift Set | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Honda Motor Co.-Environmental Neck Strap

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Honda) was founded in 1948 and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, the registered capital is 86 billion yen. Honda has over 18 million employees in the world and has more than 130 production sites in 29 countries. Its products include motorcycles, automobiles, GM products and so on. Honda is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturers, its automobile production and scale ranked the world's top ten manufacturers of the column. Honda's basic philosophy is "respect for people" and "three Joy", and to "let the world customer satisfaction" for the purpose to carry out business in the world, continue to develop industry-leading advanced technology and provide to customers in the form of goods. Honda also devoted to build a richer cultural and motive society. It use the self-discipline not use technology in developing the humanoid robot, it is the first in the world. ASIMO, the latest model robot which apply this technology, won a high rating in the world.
After customized the long umbrella and water bottles as souvenirs, Reliance Motors Limited has recently ordered an environmental neck strap in Source EC to give staff so that they can show company professional image at work. The he neck strap is eye-catching black and red, printed with Honda logo, it is outstanding when hanging in the body. Neck strap become a good corporate gift. It can increase brand awareness while strengthen staff's sense of belonging. In addition, Reliance Motors Limited also select sun block for lottery or giveaway, in order to give VIP clients at the automobile conferences and promotion activities in June. Sun block souvenirs consistent with its brand image, highlighting its car sales image.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Honda Motor Co.-Environmental Neck Strap | Souvenir 禮品 Blog


Triumph-Lipstick USB Flash Memory Gift

Triumph is a lingerie and swimwear brand, founded in Germany in 1886 and registered trademark in 1902. Triumph entered the Chinese market in 1960 and its international office is located in Hong Kong, Kowloon. In 1979, Triumph began processing products in China and acquired French lingerie maker HOM in 1986. In recent years, Triumph attempts diversification route, has launched male underwear, products are also extended to the professional line of cosmetics. In 2005, Triumph launched green juice skincare series for the Japanese market. In Europe, Triumph's essential oils are also very popular. Triumph use  multi-brand strategy, just like the P&G. Triumph's professional line of cosmetics brand is DAF.
For promotion needs, Triumph chose a pink USB flash memory gifts to VIP customers in Source EC. Lipstick shape is very suitable for female users, attached with a heart-shaped sign and printed on brand identity, meaning that service customer wholeheartedly. It is a very thoughtful gift, help Triumph won many positive responses in the promotion.

電話: (852) 2713 3484

原文見: -Triumph-Lipstick USB Flash Memory Gift | Souvenir 禮品 Blog