電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -新北市立新店高中-果凍螢光筆 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Promotional gifts are a great way to stand for the image of your company, build strong relationships with your important clients, while at the same time the gifts can be used by the customers in the daily life.
Anytime Fitness以服務為出發,期望不僅能提供舒適愉快的運動環境讓顧客紓解壓力,還能鏈結社區溫暖的情感,達到社群參與。
Anytime Fitness訂購了運動太空瓶作為企業禮品。太空瓶採用優質的原材料,獨特的瓶蓋設計,加上完美的超密封矽膠,怎樣擺放都不會漏水,可放於包包內隨身攜帶;廣告水壺採用人性化的手提設計,專業的帶有隱蔽性的提手,方便手提,是出遊的必備佳品;客製化太空瓶美觀的外形設計,帶給您輕鬆簡便、高效的全新泡茶方式。運動太空瓶的印刷面積大,實用性強,款式多樣,顏色鮮艷,是企業客製化禮品的不二選擇。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - 絕對生活股份有限公司-運動太空瓶 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Anytime Fitness訂購了運動太空瓶作為企業禮品。太空瓶採用優質的原材料,獨特的瓶蓋設計,加上完美的超密封矽膠,怎樣擺放都不會漏水,可放於包包內隨身攜帶;廣告水壺採用人性化的手提設計,專業的帶有隱蔽性的提手,方便手提,是出遊的必備佳品;客製化太空瓶美觀的外形設計,帶給您輕鬆簡便、高效的全新泡茶方式。運動太空瓶的印刷面積大,實用性強,款式多樣,顏色鮮艷,是企業客製化禮品的不二選擇。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - 絕對生活股份有限公司-運動太空瓶 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -高雄市投資與創新管理協會-水能鐘 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -高雄市投資與創新管理協會-水能鐘 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - 德明財經科技大學-無線滑鼠 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - 德明財經科技大學-無線滑鼠 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - 致理科技大學-積木立方杯 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - 致理科技大學-積木立方杯 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -臺北市政府地政局-螢屏擦 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -臺北市政府地政局-螢屏擦 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
歐特克為推廣Fusion 360軟體,在全台灣舉辦了首屆Autodesk菁英學生大募集的活動,並向採購易客製化禮品公司訂製了一款USB 迷你手機風扇,作為活動宣傳禮品贈送。USB 迷你手機風扇具有二合一的功能,適用於安卓手機和iPhone手機。另外,迷你風扇還可以在行動電源上使用。迷你電風扇扇葉採用優質矽膠材質,彈性十足,即使不小心碰到手指也不會弄傷,環保又安全。這次歐特克選用迷你風扇作為活動禮品,是因為Fusion 360軟體好像風扇那樣快速、高效,360度解決你的設計難題。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -歐特克股份有限公司-USB風扇 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
歐特克為推廣Fusion 360軟體,在全台灣舉辦了首屆Autodesk菁英學生大募集的活動,並向採購易客製化禮品公司訂製了一款USB 迷你手機風扇,作為活動宣傳禮品贈送。USB 迷你手機風扇具有二合一的功能,適用於安卓手機和iPhone手機。另外,迷你風扇還可以在行動電源上使用。迷你電風扇扇葉採用優質矽膠材質,彈性十足,即使不小心碰到手指也不會弄傷,環保又安全。這次歐特克選用迷你風扇作為活動禮品,是因為Fusion 360軟體好像風扇那樣快速、高效,360度解決你的設計難題。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -歐特克股份有限公司-USB風扇 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -國防部政治作戰教育訓練中心-廣告杯和皮製記事簿 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -國防部政治作戰教育訓練中心-廣告杯和皮製記事簿 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -振興醫院心臟重建中心-伸縮捲尺 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -振興醫院心臟重建中心-伸縮捲尺 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
台灣法學基金會選擇了一款兩用USB隨身碟客製化禮品作為會議禮品。USB隨身碟的特點是小巧、實用、時尚,特別是在現代辦公化的學習工作環境下,USB隨身碟更是必不可少的工具。正因為如此,USB隨身碟作為企業商務禮品是很不錯的選擇。此款雙插頭隨身碟一面為電腦USB接口,一面為手機Mini USB接口,支持電腦與手機資料互相存取。客製化USB隨身碟由於其機動性強,可塑性高,突出了商務禮品的個性化和差異化。採購易客製化禮品公司擁有多年的USB隨身碟定制經驗,可以為您減輕採購禮品的不少煩惱。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -台灣法學基金會-手機兩用隨身碟禮盒 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
台灣法學基金會選擇了一款兩用USB隨身碟客製化禮品作為會議禮品。USB隨身碟的特點是小巧、實用、時尚,特別是在現代辦公化的學習工作環境下,USB隨身碟更是必不可少的工具。正因為如此,USB隨身碟作為企業商務禮品是很不錯的選擇。此款雙插頭隨身碟一面為電腦USB接口,一面為手機Mini USB接口,支持電腦與手機資料互相存取。客製化USB隨身碟由於其機動性強,可塑性高,突出了商務禮品的個性化和差異化。採購易客製化禮品公司擁有多年的USB隨身碟定制經驗,可以為您減輕採購禮品的不少煩惱。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -台灣法學基金會-手機兩用隨身碟禮盒 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Ctrip.com International Ltd. (CTRP) 創立於1999年,總部設於中國上海。Ctrip現為亞洲領先的網上旅行社,業務包括酒店、機票及火車票預訂、旅遊團、商務旅遊管理等全方位旅遊服務。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -攜程旅遊網-水晶獎座 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -攜程旅遊網-水晶獎座 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -筌誠機械股份有限公司-經典廣告筆 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -筌誠機械股份有限公司-經典廣告筆 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
HOKA ONE ONE原為毛利語發音HO-ka O-ney O-ney,為”Time To Fly”之意,正如海鷗乘風飛翔,以最省力的方式前進!HOKA ONE ONE為新興的專業跑鞋品牌,在世界知名度躍升快速,廣受超馬/長跑、三鐵、越野跑選手喜愛,更風靡全球跑者。
HOKA ONE ONE向採購易客製化禮品公司訂購了一批折疊運動水壺,在東吳超馬上作為活動禮品贈送。運動水壺採用頂級食品矽膠材質,安全無毒;瓶蓋採用翻蓋蜂巢孔設計,有效控制出水流量,且水流成一直線,十分適合運動時使用。此款廣告水瓶最大的亮點就是喝完水后,擠掉瓶中的空氣,將瓶身捲起並用矽膠紐帶系好,放入背包或口袋節省空間。HOKA ONE ONE這次選擇的折疊運動水壺,真正的做到安全又便於攜帶,是運動禮品的首選禮品之一!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -星裕國際股份有限公司-折疊運動水壺 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
HOKA ONE ONE向採購易客製化禮品公司訂購了一批折疊運動水壺,在東吳超馬上作為活動禮品贈送。運動水壺採用頂級食品矽膠材質,安全無毒;瓶蓋採用翻蓋蜂巢孔設計,有效控制出水流量,且水流成一直線,十分適合運動時使用。此款廣告水瓶最大的亮點就是喝完水后,擠掉瓶中的空氣,將瓶身捲起並用矽膠紐帶系好,放入背包或口袋節省空間。HOKA ONE ONE這次選擇的折疊運動水壺,真正的做到安全又便於攜帶,是運動禮品的首選禮品之一!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -星裕國際股份有限公司-折疊運動水壺 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -萬海航運股份有限公司-廣告便利貼 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -萬海航運股份有限公司-廣告便利貼 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -保吉生化學股份有公司-四葉草矽膠杯墊| Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -保吉生化學股份有公司-四葉草矽膠杯墊| Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -健行科技大學-旋轉USB隨身碟 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -健行科技大學-旋轉USB隨身碟 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -奔騰物流-雙面彩印USB隨身碟 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -奔騰物流-雙面彩印USB隨身碟 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -中國文化大學-USB充電插頭 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -中國文化大學-USB充電插頭 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -南開科技大學-禮品套裝| Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -南開科技大學-禮品套裝| Souvenir 禮品 Blog
富達國際(Fidelity International)是投資管理行業倍受信賴的全球領導者之一。富達國際與投資者、金融諮詢機構和管道緊密合作,為投資者提供簡潔的基金資訊及便捷的資訊獲取管道,説明,使投資者達到其中/長期投資目標,完成退休儲蓄計劃。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - 富達國際-積木檯曆 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - 富達國際-積木檯曆 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -采威國際資訊股份有限公司-運動藍牙耳機 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -采威國際資訊股份有限公司-運動藍牙耳機 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -NISSAN-禮品套裝 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -NISSAN-禮品套裝 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -中央研究院中國文哲研究所-金屬USB隨身碟 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -中央研究院中國文哲研究所-金屬USB隨身碟 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Interush 起初採用源自美國的技術,以吸引點閲其合作夥伴網站的人數,之後再透過自家的横幅廣告内容,與其會員夥伴共享網上廣告的利潤。Interush 在日本有上萬名聯盟會員(Affiliates)合力推廣合作夥伴網站,至今已成為具高品質、高價値服務的行銷巨人。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - Interush-旅行護照包| Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - Interush-旅行護照包| Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -威煦軟體開發有限公司-無線滑鼠 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -威煦軟體開發有限公司-無線滑鼠 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -大華銀投信-積木檯曆 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -大華銀投信-積木檯曆 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -國立交通大學-運動臂包 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -國立交通大學-運動臂包 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -曹奇哥的店-USB隨身碟禮品盒 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -曹奇哥的店-USB隨身碟禮品盒 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -越南航空-不鏽鋼餐具組 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -越南航空-不鏽鋼餐具組 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
選擇推廣禮品,當然要找專業的禮品公司。於是,策進會向專業的客製化禮品公司採購易訂購了一款無線滑鼠作為推廣禮品。該滑鼠禮品為白色大身配以透明塑膠盒,美觀又大方。滑鼠採用最新雙芯片科技,取代原來稍高能耗的模組,性能可靠性大大提升。紀念品採用成熟的2.4G無線技術,數據傳輸迅速穩定。按照人體工學設計的外觀,優越的手感,加上升級的雙核芯片,操控自如。為推廣EDRMS計劃,策進會在無線滑鼠上印刷了EDRMS Project字樣,讓更多人了解到這個計劃,達到推廣的目的。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -財團法人資訊工業策進會-無線滑鼠 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
選擇推廣禮品,當然要找專業的禮品公司。於是,策進會向專業的客製化禮品公司採購易訂購了一款無線滑鼠作為推廣禮品。該滑鼠禮品為白色大身配以透明塑膠盒,美觀又大方。滑鼠採用最新雙芯片科技,取代原來稍高能耗的模組,性能可靠性大大提升。紀念品採用成熟的2.4G無線技術,數據傳輸迅速穩定。按照人體工學設計的外觀,優越的手感,加上升級的雙核芯片,操控自如。為推廣EDRMS計劃,策進會在無線滑鼠上印刷了EDRMS Project字樣,讓更多人了解到這個計劃,達到推廣的目的。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -財團法人資訊工業策進會-無線滑鼠 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Uber優步-車用手機架和車用芳香劑 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Uber優步-車用手機架和車用芳香劑 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
理律成立逾五十年, 目前是亞洲最具規模的法律事務所之一, 擅長處理跨國界的法律事務。該所始終珍惜傳統, 服務人群, 並與社會融為一體, 為社會之繁榮進步克盡所能。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -理律律師事務所-商務金屬筆禮盒 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -理律律師事務所-商務金屬筆禮盒 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
明緯公司成立於西元1982年,是全球少數以標準品電源供應器為主業的專業製造商。在全球電源供應器(DC輸出)製造商排名中,明緯名列第6,前5名電源廠大多以ODM/OEM為主要營收來源,而明緯99%營收來自標準電源,是以自有品牌-MEAN WELL為主要經營策略的電源廠商。
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -明緯企業股份有限公司-水晶獎座 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -明緯企業股份有限公司-水晶獎座 | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
FUJIFILM (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd-Dual Phone USB
FUJIFILM Malaysia, a wholly-owned subsidiary of FUJIFILM Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Singapore is well established with wide ranging products such as photo and electronic imaging, data storage media, graphic arts, medical, information systems and life science products for 25 years in Malaysia.
FUJIFILM (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd ordered the dual phone USB as custom gifts. Easily transfer your files between smartphones, tablets, PC and Mac computers, freeing up space for photos, videos, and more! Simply connect the dual phone USB to the micro-USB port of your Android® smartphone or tablet and move up to 16GB of content to the drive. Then use the USB 2.0 connector to transfer content to a PC or Mac computer. Managing your content is a snap with the memory zone app that lets you organize files in the internal and external phone memory so you can move, view, copy, or back up. Listen to more music, share more videos and photos, and watch HD movies without worrying about filling up your phone’s memory!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -FUJIFILM (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd-Dual Phone USB | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
FUJIFILM (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd ordered the dual phone USB as custom gifts. Easily transfer your files between smartphones, tablets, PC and Mac computers, freeing up space for photos, videos, and more! Simply connect the dual phone USB to the micro-USB port of your Android® smartphone or tablet and move up to 16GB of content to the drive. Then use the USB 2.0 connector to transfer content to a PC or Mac computer. Managing your content is a snap with the memory zone app that lets you organize files in the internal and external phone memory so you can move, view, copy, or back up. Listen to more music, share more videos and photos, and watch HD movies without worrying about filling up your phone’s memory!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -FUJIFILM (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd-Dual Phone USB | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Waterproof Duffle Bag-TROX Malaysia Sdn. Bhd
TROX is leading in the development, manufacture and sale of components, devices and systems for the ventilation and air conditioning of rooms. With subsidiary companies in 28 countries on all five continents, 14 production facilities, and importers and representatives, TROX is present in over 70 countries.
TROX Malaysia Sdn. Bhd chose the Waterproof Duffle Bag as souvenirs. The waterproof duffle bag for swimming, camping and outdoor research is made of waterproof duffle and it features double zip lock seals that make it twice as safe as any dry bag you have ever tried! In fact, it promises to keep your things perfectly dry even if you submerge it into water. Stop wasting your money on cheaply made roll top bags that fail to protect your stuff. This top notch waterproof bag is the perfect combination of premium quality, extreme durability, maximum protection and low cost! Make it yours, save money and enjoy boating, rafting and kayaking without worrying about your belongings ever again!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Waterproof Duffle Bag-TROX Malaysia Sdn. Bhd | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
TROX Malaysia Sdn. Bhd chose the Waterproof Duffle Bag as souvenirs. The waterproof duffle bag for swimming, camping and outdoor research is made of waterproof duffle and it features double zip lock seals that make it twice as safe as any dry bag you have ever tried! In fact, it promises to keep your things perfectly dry even if you submerge it into water. Stop wasting your money on cheaply made roll top bags that fail to protect your stuff. This top notch waterproof bag is the perfect combination of premium quality, extreme durability, maximum protection and low cost! Make it yours, save money and enjoy boating, rafting and kayaking without worrying about your belongings ever again!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Waterproof Duffle Bag-TROX Malaysia Sdn. Bhd | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Dynatrace-Smart Mobile Wallet With Stand
Dynatrace is an American application performance management (APM) software company with products aimed at the information technology departments and digital business owners of medium and large businesses.
Dynatrace ordered the smart mobile wallet with stand as advertising gifts.The mobile stand is easily attaches to back of phone with adhesive strips provided on back. Features a pop out stand, the small gift could hold your phone in vertical or horizontal direction. Also, there is a card holder for your credit cards, drivers license, changes or several business cards. Credit Card/ID Wallet peels and sticks to the back of all iPhones, Android and most Smartphones and includes a built in stand to keep your phone upright for easy viewing.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Dynatrace-Smart Mobile Wallet With Stand | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Dynatrace ordered the smart mobile wallet with stand as advertising gifts.The mobile stand is easily attaches to back of phone with adhesive strips provided on back. Features a pop out stand, the small gift could hold your phone in vertical or horizontal direction. Also, there is a card holder for your credit cards, drivers license, changes or several business cards. Credit Card/ID Wallet peels and sticks to the back of all iPhones, Android and most Smartphones and includes a built in stand to keep your phone upright for easy viewing.
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Dynatrace-Smart Mobile Wallet With Stand | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Stinis Malaysia Sdn Bhd-USB Flash Drive Set
Stinis Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Stinis Holding B.V which has its operations across the regions. Over the years, Stinis is well-known for manufacturing quality and reliability spreaders and their auxiliaries supplying to markets worldwide.
Stinis Malaysia Sdn Bhd ordered the USB flash drive business gifts set as their premium gifts. As the corporate gifts, the gift set is suitable for everyone. Imprinted corporate gifts and promotional products will leave a lasting impression. A unique corporate gift can be personalized or branded with your company logo or business message. Whether you are looking for elegant executive gifts, presents for business associates, or recognizing employees, we have the expertise and luxury products to assist you. We will partner with you to find the logo corporate gifts and awards that will best achieve your marketing goals and show your appreciation.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Stinis Malaysia Sdn Bhd-USB Flash Drive Set | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Stinis Malaysia Sdn Bhd ordered the USB flash drive business gifts set as their premium gifts. As the corporate gifts, the gift set is suitable for everyone. Imprinted corporate gifts and promotional products will leave a lasting impression. A unique corporate gift can be personalized or branded with your company logo or business message. Whether you are looking for elegant executive gifts, presents for business associates, or recognizing employees, we have the expertise and luxury products to assist you. We will partner with you to find the logo corporate gifts and awards that will best achieve your marketing goals and show your appreciation.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Stinis Malaysia Sdn Bhd-USB Flash Drive Set | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Teknion Furniture Systems (M) Sdn Bhd-USB Flash Memory
Teknion leverages the power of design to enhance the way people work, meet and interact. Their versatile and integrated portfolio of furniture products supports collaborative spaces and those where people work alone.
Teknion Furniture Systems (M) Sdn Bhd ordered the USB flash memory as corporate gifts. The Twister is one of the most popular USB flash drives around, and with good reason. It's solid, durable, capless, has plenty of space to be branded (front and back), and cost effective. The main body of the USB Stick is made from a compacted rubber which can come in any colour and the metal 'twist' part can be screen printed or branded with a resin dome, depending on your logo and your preference. USB flash drives are among the most popular promotional giveaways around. They have a high perceived value, and are sure to be used again and again - giving your brand plenty of 'face time'. Get in touch for a free quote.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Teknion Furniture Systems (M) Sdn Bhd-USB Flash Memory | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Teknion Furniture Systems (M) Sdn Bhd ordered the USB flash memory as corporate gifts. The Twister is one of the most popular USB flash drives around, and with good reason. It's solid, durable, capless, has plenty of space to be branded (front and back), and cost effective. The main body of the USB Stick is made from a compacted rubber which can come in any colour and the metal 'twist' part can be screen printed or branded with a resin dome, depending on your logo and your preference. USB flash drives are among the most popular promotional giveaways around. They have a high perceived value, and are sure to be used again and again - giving your brand plenty of 'face time'. Get in touch for a free quote.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Teknion Furniture Systems (M) Sdn Bhd-USB Flash Memory | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur-Advertising Pen
Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur, established in 1996, is located in the heart of the city on the Embassy Row of Jalan Ampang. Through the years, Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur has become the preferred private healthcare facility in the country that is much favoured by locals and foreigners alike. It was officially opened by the former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed on 16 December 1997.
Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur selected the advertising pen as promotional gifts. You’re sure to catch everyone’s eye when you take notes with this sleek, business-appropriate pen. The twist-action of this ultra-lightweight pen prevents you from having to keep track of annoying caps and is fast and easy to operate. Golden chrome adds a touch of class to this already professional pen. The solid plastic barrel comes in your choice of one of an array of office-friendly colors and bears your company imprint.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur-Advertising Pen | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur selected the advertising pen as promotional gifts. You’re sure to catch everyone’s eye when you take notes with this sleek, business-appropriate pen. The twist-action of this ultra-lightweight pen prevents you from having to keep track of annoying caps and is fast and easy to operate. Golden chrome adds a touch of class to this already professional pen. The solid plastic barrel comes in your choice of one of an array of office-friendly colors and bears your company imprint.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur-Advertising Pen | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Bella Skin Care Sdn Bhd-Foldable Fan
Bella is your trusted skin care solution provider. Since its establishment in 1982, Bella has expand and grow tremendously with over 30 centers in Asian countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Philippines. This rapid growth is a proof of clients’ trust and support towards Bella.
Bella Skin Care Sdn Bhd chose the foldable fan as their beautiful promotion souvenirs. The foldable nylon fan is a great give away for those summer time rallies. Its elegant circle design allows for a large imprint area and to store it simple fold it away into its handle and slip it into your pocket! Convenient and practical, there no better item for those outdoor events when the heat is high! It is easy to storage, you can fold it up and store in the pocket. This is one of the most popular low cost door-gift to promote your business or raise awareness for events and campaigns. Have your logo or message printed on the fans available in colors.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - Bella Skin Care Sdn Bhd-Foldable Fan | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Bella Skin Care Sdn Bhd chose the foldable fan as their beautiful promotion souvenirs. The foldable nylon fan is a great give away for those summer time rallies. Its elegant circle design allows for a large imprint area and to store it simple fold it away into its handle and slip it into your pocket! Convenient and practical, there no better item for those outdoor events when the heat is high! It is easy to storage, you can fold it up and store in the pocket. This is one of the most popular low cost door-gift to promote your business or raise awareness for events and campaigns. Have your logo or message printed on the fans available in colors.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: - Bella Skin Care Sdn Bhd-Foldable Fan | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
CIT-Passport Package
Incorporated in 1985, Corporate Information Travel Sdn Bhd ( CIT ) has grown steadily from strength to strength for more than 25 years. The success of CIT over the years has been made possible through the concerted effort and hard work of our experienced, dynamic and dedicated service team. With an average 10 years’ experience in the travel industry, our service team shares the company’s vision and aspiration in providing excellent service to each and every customer.
CIT selected the passport package as their gifts idea. The passport package is made from premium polyurethane and faux suede; offer a better grip on the clutch. The new one has more comfort touching base on the more sponge added. This travel gift can be owell organized your carry-on travel essentials, such as passport, boarding pass, credit cards, ID card, coupons, tickets, key, money, coins, smartphone, sim card, pen and etc. Keep them all in the bag and protect them well during travel anywhere you go. Store your carry-on essentials and travel documents in one slim and lightweight bag and never miss or lost them if you really needed.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -CIT-Passport Package | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
CIT selected the passport package as their gifts idea. The passport package is made from premium polyurethane and faux suede; offer a better grip on the clutch. The new one has more comfort touching base on the more sponge added. This travel gift can be owell organized your carry-on travel essentials, such as passport, boarding pass, credit cards, ID card, coupons, tickets, key, money, coins, smartphone, sim card, pen and etc. Keep them all in the bag and protect them well during travel anywhere you go. Store your carry-on essentials and travel documents in one slim and lightweight bag and never miss or lost them if you really needed.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -CIT-Passport Package | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
AbbVie-Thermal Kettle
AbbVie is a pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and markets both biopharmaceuticals and small molecule drugs.
AbbVie ordered the thermal kettle as their sports corporate gifts. The thermal kettle is a compact 350ml bottle with a matt body and with attached carabiner that makes it easy to clip onto your bag, belt or other gear you take with you. Single wall stainless steel bottle is in matt finish. Give the gift of quality when your order these custom travel tumblers and sport bottles. These imprinted bottles are built to last, so your logo will be seen and appreciated for years! From short to tall, in all shapes and sizes, metal water bottles are reusable promotional products that have an upscale feel for outdoor promotions, gym specials or athletic events.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -AbbVie-Thermal Kettle | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
AbbVie ordered the thermal kettle as their sports corporate gifts. The thermal kettle is a compact 350ml bottle with a matt body and with attached carabiner that makes it easy to clip onto your bag, belt or other gear you take with you. Single wall stainless steel bottle is in matt finish. Give the gift of quality when your order these custom travel tumblers and sport bottles. These imprinted bottles are built to last, so your logo will be seen and appreciated for years! From short to tall, in all shapes and sizes, metal water bottles are reusable promotional products that have an upscale feel for outdoor promotions, gym specials or athletic events.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -AbbVie-Thermal Kettle | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd-USB Mini Mobile Fan
Paramount Property is an award-winning developer with more than 35 years of proven track record for building enduring addresses in the Klang Valley and Sungai Petani. From its beginnings as a township developer, Paramount Property has grown its portfolio to include residential, commercial, retail, education, industrial and integrated developments.
Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd ordered the USB Mini Mobile Fan as promotional gifs. How you wish you had some circulating air while you are hot and bored? Use the USB mini mobile fan through your mobile. A cool new USB gadget for summertime is inexpensive. With its body made with hard TPE plastic, the cooling unit has two soft plastic rotating blades that are each 1.5 inches long, providing enough air movement to blow a fresh breeze and cool you down. With no cords or cables to deal with, it gets plugged in and instantly starts spinning. The USB mini mobile fan makes a great gift for those who travel and like to stay cool while using their Android products.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd-USB Mini Mobile Fan | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd ordered the USB Mini Mobile Fan as promotional gifs. How you wish you had some circulating air while you are hot and bored? Use the USB mini mobile fan through your mobile. A cool new USB gadget for summertime is inexpensive. With its body made with hard TPE plastic, the cooling unit has two soft plastic rotating blades that are each 1.5 inches long, providing enough air movement to blow a fresh breeze and cool you down. With no cords or cables to deal with, it gets plugged in and instantly starts spinning. The USB mini mobile fan makes a great gift for those who travel and like to stay cool while using their Android products.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd-USB Mini Mobile Fan | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd-Phone Ring Stand
Paramount Property is an award-winning developer with more than 35 years of proven track record for building enduring addresses in the Klang Valley and Sungai Petani. From its beginnings as a township developer, Paramount Property has grown its portfolio to include residential, commercial, retail, education, industrial and integrated developments.
Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd cooperated with SourceEC again and selected Phone Ring Stand as their advertising gifts. The metal phone ring stand is an essential accessory for your smartphone or tablet. Practical in nature and simple to use, this mobile phone holder enhances your grip on your smart device as you use it. It can rotate 360 degrees and swivel 180 degrees, which means you can conveniently hold your smart device in any angle you desire. Moreover, you can also use it as a stand to prop up your device on a flat surface when you are watching movies or videos. As premium gift, the phone ring stand is made of premium material and color makes your phone more luxurious look.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd-Phone Ring Stand | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd cooperated with SourceEC again and selected Phone Ring Stand as their advertising gifts. The metal phone ring stand is an essential accessory for your smartphone or tablet. Practical in nature and simple to use, this mobile phone holder enhances your grip on your smart device as you use it. It can rotate 360 degrees and swivel 180 degrees, which means you can conveniently hold your smart device in any angle you desire. Moreover, you can also use it as a stand to prop up your device on a flat surface when you are watching movies or videos. As premium gift, the phone ring stand is made of premium material and color makes your phone more luxurious look.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Paramount Property Development Sdn Bhd-Phone Ring Stand | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Calanthe Art Cafe is the Only One café combines 13 states' coffees of Malaysia for your curiosity taste.
Calanthe Art Cafe ordered the thermos flask as the shop’s souvenirs. Reward your employees with the best tasting beverages. This vacuum tumbler makes a great gift for coffee and tea lovers! Big bright trim colors against the black bottle body create a dramatic eye-catching look. The thermos flask features an integrated poly carry loop for easy transport. Stainless steel vacuum bottles are a shining way to guarantee you’ll be part of their morning routine.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -CALANTHE ART CAFE SDN BHD-Thermos Flask | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Calanthe Art Cafe ordered the thermos flask as the shop’s souvenirs. Reward your employees with the best tasting beverages. This vacuum tumbler makes a great gift for coffee and tea lovers! Big bright trim colors against the black bottle body create a dramatic eye-catching look. The thermos flask features an integrated poly carry loop for easy transport. Stainless steel vacuum bottles are a shining way to guarantee you’ll be part of their morning routine.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -CALANTHE ART CAFE SDN BHD-Thermos Flask | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Calanthe Art Cafe is the Only One café combines 13 states' coffees of Malaysia for your curiosity taste.
Calanthe Art Cafe ordered the stylist vacuum flask as the shop's souvenirs. The vacuum flask design and rust-proof stainless steel material give these imprinted vacuum bottles decades of promotional potential. Special insulation and vacuum technology seal in temperatures and freshness for long-lasting enjoyment. Twist-on stainless steel lid doubles as a small cup to drink from. Durable handle makes it easier to bring hot coffee along to the jobsite, on the commute or to a picnic. There's no better way to enjoy a morning coffee or tea than with the superior insulation of thermos-style vacuum bottles.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -CALANTHE ART CAFE SDN BHD-Stylist Vacuum Flask | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Calanthe Art Cafe ordered the stylist vacuum flask as the shop's souvenirs. The vacuum flask design and rust-proof stainless steel material give these imprinted vacuum bottles decades of promotional potential. Special insulation and vacuum technology seal in temperatures and freshness for long-lasting enjoyment. Twist-on stainless steel lid doubles as a small cup to drink from. Durable handle makes it easier to bring hot coffee along to the jobsite, on the commute or to a picnic. There's no better way to enjoy a morning coffee or tea than with the superior insulation of thermos-style vacuum bottles.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -CALANTHE ART CAFE SDN BHD-Stylist Vacuum Flask | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Zalam Corporation Sdn.Bhd.-Upside Down Umbrella
The Zalam Group of Companies first established itself in 1976 as a construction company that has since developed an extensive portfolio of construction projects throughout Malaysia.er! The Zalam Group today is expanding its horizons to a vast spectrum of multi-million projects to serve both its local and foreign clientele.
Zalam Corporation Sdn.Bhd. Customized the promotional umbrella in SourceEC. The promotional umbrella is upside down umbrella. Because of inverted framework structure & inside-out design prevents water from dripping, keeping floors and cars dry. It also can stand up on its own. Open up to new possibilities with personalized umbrellas! Bad weather can strike all of a sudden, so a trusty umbrella in the car, home or office offers protection and peace of mind when a “chance of rain” turns into a heavy downpour. Custom umbrellas are versatile, unisex promotions that fit any audience.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Zalam Corporation Sdn.Bhd.-Upside Down Umbrella | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Zalam Corporation Sdn.Bhd. Customized the promotional umbrella in SourceEC. The promotional umbrella is upside down umbrella. Because of inverted framework structure & inside-out design prevents water from dripping, keeping floors and cars dry. It also can stand up on its own. Open up to new possibilities with personalized umbrellas! Bad weather can strike all of a sudden, so a trusty umbrella in the car, home or office offers protection and peace of mind when a “chance of rain” turns into a heavy downpour. Custom umbrellas are versatile, unisex promotions that fit any audience.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Zalam Corporation Sdn.Bhd.-Upside Down Umbrella | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Aon Hewitt Malaysia Sdn Bhd-Neoprene Computer Bag
Aon's operation in Malaysia comprises Aon Risk Solutions, which provides multifaceted retail brokering and risk management services; Aon Benfield, the reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor of Aon; and Aon Hewitt, which focuses on human resource consulting and outsourcing services.
Aon Hewitt Malaysia Sdn Bhd ordered the neoprene computer bag as the business gifts. Thickened water-resistant neoprene exterior prevents your laptop from dirt, dust, shocks, bumps, scratches and accidental splash. Slim, portable and lightweight to take alone, or slide it into your briefcase, backpack or any other bag, perfect for business, school and travel. Black outside and red inside, high quality metal dual zipper glides smoothly from two sides, convenient for you to use. Soft neoprene material, environmentally friendly and no bad smell. Give a lasting, useful business gift, customized tablet bags and laptop totes are built to travel and built to impress!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Aon Hewitt Malaysia Sdn Bhd-Neoprene Computer Bag | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Aon Hewitt Malaysia Sdn Bhd ordered the neoprene computer bag as the business gifts. Thickened water-resistant neoprene exterior prevents your laptop from dirt, dust, shocks, bumps, scratches and accidental splash. Slim, portable and lightweight to take alone, or slide it into your briefcase, backpack or any other bag, perfect for business, school and travel. Black outside and red inside, high quality metal dual zipper glides smoothly from two sides, convenient for you to use. Soft neoprene material, environmentally friendly and no bad smell. Give a lasting, useful business gift, customized tablet bags and laptop totes are built to travel and built to impress!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Aon Hewitt Malaysia Sdn Bhd-Neoprene Computer Bag | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Business Gifts
Cambridge Training Sdn Bhd-Bluetooth Stereo
Cambridge Management Sdn. Bhd. was founded in 2002 (formerly known as Norton Matrix Enterprise) and is now a recognized consultancy and training service provider in Malaysia.
Cambridge Training Sdn Bhd selected the bluetooth stereo as corporate souvenirs. Despite its compact size, this portable speaker really packs a punch! The wireless speaker is bluetooth enabled making hands-free music listening and phone calls easy! Features a built-in 400 mAh Li-Polymer battery with an aluminum finish which recharges in one hour. Speaker charges using a USB cord, simply plug it into your computer other USB power supply port. The convenient red light indicator lights up when charges is in operation and goes out when full.Compatible with iPods, iPhones, mobile phones, computers, etc. Your logo and these audio giveaways will make beautiful music together!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Cambridge Training Sdn Bhd-Bluetooth Stereo | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
Cambridge Training Sdn Bhd selected the bluetooth stereo as corporate souvenirs. Despite its compact size, this portable speaker really packs a punch! The wireless speaker is bluetooth enabled making hands-free music listening and phone calls easy! Features a built-in 400 mAh Li-Polymer battery with an aluminum finish which recharges in one hour. Speaker charges using a USB cord, simply plug it into your computer other USB power supply port. The convenient red light indicator lights up when charges is in operation and goes out when full.Compatible with iPods, iPhones, mobile phones, computers, etc. Your logo and these audio giveaways will make beautiful music together!
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -Cambridge Training Sdn Bhd-Bluetooth Stereo | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
TMI Consultancy Sdn Bhd-Small Hand Clapper
George Aveling, an Australian, moved to Kuala Lumpur in February 2005 to open the TMI Malaysia office. This was the 36th office that TMI had opened around the world. TMI has more than 400 trainers and consultants working in more than 22 languages worldwide.
TMI Consultancy Sdn Bhd ordered the small hand clapper as promotional gifts in their party. Your party will get a standing ovation with these small hand clapper party favors, even kids’ party. These classic toys are each held together by a small rubber band and make a fun noise when you shake them. Boys and girls of all ages will have a blast playing with them. Just add these noisemakers to your goodie bags with other fun party favors for guests to take home as a thank you.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -TMI Consultancy Sdn Bhd-Small Hand Clapper | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
TMI Consultancy Sdn Bhd ordered the small hand clapper as promotional gifts in their party. Your party will get a standing ovation with these small hand clapper party favors, even kids’ party. These classic toys are each held together by a small rubber band and make a fun noise when you shake them. Boys and girls of all ages will have a blast playing with them. Just add these noisemakers to your goodie bags with other fun party favors for guests to take home as a thank you.
電話: (852) 2713 3484
電郵: sales@sourceec.com
網站: hk.sourceec.com
原文見: -TMI Consultancy Sdn Bhd-Small Hand Clapper | Souvenir 禮品 Blog
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